Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nighttime Wakenings...

Don't you just hate it when your husband is gone and you're home alone (except for the baby) and you wake up to the sound of sirens in your house in the middle of the night? Wow, I sure do. Of course, the first thing you think of is the security system and an intruder in your house. You quickly realize that it's only the smoke detectors... sigh...what a relief. Wait a minute!!! Is there a fire??? So you go to every room in your house and can't detect one bit of smoke. The sirens start going off again. But it only lasts a few seconds. You're left thinking that there must be a bit of lint stuck in one of those 10 detectors placed inconveniently in those really high ceilings. So you consider pulling all the detectors from the power source for the night but don't want to risk it (and the thought of going out to the dark, cold garage is really too scary). Then you realize that you forgot to replace the batteries in the carbon monoxide detector that started "chirping" rather loudly in the middle of the night (when you were home alone AGAIN) several months ago. So you find the new batteries and replace them and the detector starts going off all crazy style and your hoping and praying that it doesn't wake up the baby, all the while knowing that there must be a carbon monoxide leak in the house and this was a sign to get you to remember to replace those batteries. So you go outside to make sure that the detector is working properly (yes, I left Max inside the potentially carbon monoxide-ful house). It eventually stops beeping and you have only lost 2 toes to frostbite in the meantime, but it was worth it because now you know that the house is not full of carbon monoxide. WOW, what a fun night! Like I said...Don't you just hate it when that happens to you?